#these goobers bring me great joy
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artsymeeshee · 2 months ago
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random doodles of the best boys of the sea 🌊
(Do NOT tag as ship please :T)
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sherbovania · 1 year ago
tomato woman.........tomato woman save me. save me tomato woman
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sunny-sourzii · 8 months ago
*crashes into the ask box again*
Ow- damn, can we get a ball-pit down here? I have a new found sympathy for Helpie…anyway!
Just popping in to say I love your art, it brings this goober much joy and it’s genuinely inspiring to see someone my age making such amazing content 😌 proof that you don’t have to be an adult to make great things happen! Anywhooo…thank you for your time, keep yourself safe, and have a great day :D
-A Goofy Ghoster
*fades back into the abyss*
You really don't have to be an adult to be cool because look at me /lh
I really love making whimsical art. This world needs more whimsical and joyous things
(Sorry I got distracted and saw this gif that reminded me of the daycare 😭)
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cbge · 9 days ago
Hi! I'm the author of the Frozen fic Seasons of (Among Other Things) Love and the other day someone's comment led me to your adorable art!! I am overwhelmed with happiness that my adventure with those adorable goobers gave you joy. I have been going through some cycles of burnout and the current year is starting off stressful, but finding your art blogs has helped bring me a smile. Hope that you continue to find inspiration for your art!
hi! so sorry it took me this long to reply, but your message came as a huge surprise (it's been quite a few years since i drew that!) and so i've been trying to think of what to say. i don't think i succeeded very well in structuring my thoughts but here they are nevertheless.
at the time of drawing that piece frozen was a huge fixation of mine, has been throughout most of my teenage years and followed me well into adulthood. without getting into the details, my obsession with hans specifically helped me overcome my self-consciousness, and my ardent love for the ship of him with kristoff & anna was one of the foundational bricks for me realizing i was polyamorous myself.
there wasn't that much... content, for lack of better word, with the three of them (not unusual with poly ships), so it's hard to describe the joy i felt upon finding your fanfics. i fell in love with them instantly. i have probably read and reread seasons of love and diplomatic fox paws at least 5 times each at this point, and i feel kind of guilty for never leaving any comments on them to let you know how much i enjoyed your writing (though i wasn't that confident with my english at the time, so maybe you'll forgive me).
i must admit i haven't read anything else by you aside from those two, but i've always thought that your writing style is incredibly witty. i particularly enjoyed the way you wrote each of their pov (your hans was incredibly spot on, in my opinion), and i feel like your way of writing dialogue (both internal and external), especially during sex scenes, has influenced my own writing style. the contrast of suave and knowledgeable hans in seasons of love with a confused and self conscious hans in diplomatic fox paws is also very delightful to me, because you aced his perspective in each of those despite how different their circumstances are. it's just so good.
all of this to say, i'm still very very fond of your kristhanna fics. i reread both of them after receiving your message and found them just as great as i remember. thank you so very much for writing them!
p.s: i used to have more kristhanna art inspired by your work but i unfortunately lost quite a lot of my old stuff while moving platforms. still, i would like to offer you something in gratitude, so here's a little doodle of one of my favorite scenes in seasons of love (a clothed version of it, lol)
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hyaciiintho · 4 months ago
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🌸。*゚+. To start, support your local indigenous in the USA on this day ♡
As I get ready to go into work, I want to be mindful and remind myself to be grateful for the things I was given in this life and the people that I have in it. I'll put it all under the cut since it gets long and I wanna thank pretty much every close friend I have who also has a tumblr. But... I will say, in general... thank you everyone for your patience with me, your eagerness to write with me and my goobers, and for the concern and care people have for me just as a general person sharing a community space ♡ we're all really a big community who takes notice of others and express support, even if we don't talk like that, and it really warms my heart.
I hope everyone has a lovely day. May it be filled with love and gratitude ♡
Thank you @tenebriism for being my best and closest friend. You helped me in a critical point of my life and have given me so many great memories (and continue to do so) to carry on in this rough life. We've weathered some tough storms together, and I know we'll continue to do so moving onwards. You know I'll always have your back, just as I know you'll always have mine. My heart is so full of you, I hope you know that ♡ Thank you for your presence, the laughs, and your constant care. it means more to me than you will ever know 🌹
Thank you @ironbloodcd for being my sister from another mister, and across a whole country border to boot. You were a pillar of strength I needed so very much in a terrible point of my life and words could never describe the gratitude I feel towards you for helping me. I am so very lucky to have you in my life, you have absolutely no idea the love I have for you ♡ Thank you for the conversations and the continued love you show for me 🌻
Thank you @box-of-characters / @myriadventurers for being a constant presence all these years and a continued friendly face among a sea of uncertainties. You never fail to bring something up that'll just brighten someone's day, whether it's via interactions or just making note of something interesting happening in shared gaming interests ♡ Thank you for the laughs and unforgettable Splatoon matches 🌺
Thank you @diademreigned for, not only recent year memories, but even the ones from almost 14 years ago in our first fandom interactions. The LORE and laughs have helped me weather so many dark storms during a tough turning point in my life, and your support and care have helped me move forwards ♡ Thank you for so many wonderful stories and adventures, for allowing me the chance to have a real life adventure of my own to live with you for a bit and expand on the fun, and for being the little mochi to my big mochi ���
Thank you @asternovi for being such a bright star in my sky with their creative mind and shared interests in cinnamonroll. You were a quiet moral support during a rough time and provided much needed distraction and just good chill times, and it means the world to me ♡ Thank you for being my friend and for helping me run TC, I'm so glad to have met you 🌷
Thank you @fragmented-tales for helping me discover a part (or... well... many parts pfft~) of myself that I had rejected and ignored prior out of a self-denial and respect for systems. You also were a big support to me during the same rough time, and it's incredibly difficult to put into words how grateful I am to you all for helping me through it ♡ Thank you for also helping me with TC and for all the laughs we have on Overwatch 🌼
Not an RP blog but-- Thank you @kohanatrustme for being such a huge rock when I needed it and for helping me even realize that the rough time mentioned prior was a dangerous situation I needed out of. You've been such a joy to know and I'm so very happy to have met you ♡ Thank you for having given me the opportunity to have my art on a published book (if amazon gets their shite together LMAO) and for the many wonderful conversations we have comparing our countries, as well helping with TC. But above all else, thank you for being my friend 🪷
And of course, thank you to everyone I've met this year who have started up conversations with me ♡ I am garbage at keeping up an online presence with a full-time job, but I really do appreciate everyone who has wanted to strike up conversation and plot with me !! A bouquet for all of you 💐 Thank you for making the world a little bit brighter ♡
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positivelybeastly · 6 months ago
Beast likes Dad jokes doesn't he?
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He definitely does. Every now and then, I'll see someone say that Cyclops or someone else has the best dad jokes on the team, and I'm just like, my brother in christ, Hank's sense of humour oscillates wildly between the most scathing bon mots you'll ever hear, intellectual observations you won't get, and dad humour the likes of which you'll wish you could un-hear.
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Like, just look at this. This is three consecutive panels.
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He's sometimes considered really high brow, and, like, he is that, but not because he's a snob or because he's high born, it's because he affects sophistication and possesses incredible intelligence, which people think means he has to have a very certain sense of humour, and that's just not the case. He just zig zagged from Shakespeare to telling Gyrich he's got a broom stuck in his ass. Like, he can be high brow when he wants to be.
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He's a farmboy from Illinois. That is who he is. You can't remove that from who he is at the heart of things. That's why I always intrinsically reject any version of Hank who comes across as a snob. It's dishonest and confuses affectation for character archetype.
He also canonically gets it from his father!
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It doesn't hurt that he's the absolute spitting image of his dad, too. You may think, huh, what are you talking about, Hank's not a red-head - well, he used to be!
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Then he was drawn more commonly as a brunette or having black hair, possibly as an influence from his X-Factor human appearances (where he had blue hair that canonically came out as black a lot of the time), or from Ultimate X-Men.
But anyhoo, yes! His dad is an absolute goober, and you can see just how much Hank takes after him in a lot of his appearances.
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I like to think that Hank learned a lot from his dad, especially when it came to the idea of using humour to ease tension during a stressful situation.
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Which can, to some people, come across as crass or flip.
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But it's just a defence mechanism. One of many. Hank has a lot he feels he needs to keep secret and defend. A lot of vulnerabilities. To say nothing of the fact that humour does a lot to keep him centred.
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That being said, I don't think it's all facade, all defence mechanism. I think Hank does generally prefer to be fun and to make jokes and make people smile. I think it brings him great joy to be a presence that people can trust and feel safe around and be able to talk to. I think the ability to find things funny is a core aspect of humanity. Maybe it's just Star Trek rubbing off on me.
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It's important to find joy in things. To revel in absurdity. To say something just to make someone smile.
It's important to cultivate whimsy.
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itsalola07 · 1 year ago
I just want to let you know that Jeremiah and Sally give me so much joy. Like if I could I would just hold their hands and be "ah yes, serotonin". Because tbh I was having a not-so-great day with depression but seeing the two goobers actually helped. I honestly love them so much ♡
Also happy birthday! (If it's not too late-)
🥺 I am so happy they bring you joy during tough times♡ I can relate to that 🥹💗 and thank you so much for the birthday wishes. 🎂🥰 here's a little Jeremiah ♡
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lensman-arms-race · 11 months ago
I come bearing a singular gift that shall bring you great joy!! (hopefully)
So I noticed how you really like Titan TVman/Upgraded Titan TVman and I follow this one person on twitter (NumbSkelly, go appreciate them for making this) and they made a Shimeji of Upgraded Titan TVman! A Shimeji is one of those desktop pet things that you can interact with and throw around. And knowing you like the TV faction I thought I'd let you gain the knowledge of this thing's existence! Have fun letting your computer get infested with smol silly Upgraded Titan TVmans :)
(there's a video attached to the post on how to install Shimeji and get UTTVM)
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(Real images of the silly goober beginning the process of infesting one's computer, images are not mine)
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Thank you for thinking of me! 💜 I would love to give this a try but I haven't found a version of Shimejii that works on Linux. I guess I could try running it inside a VM? (On the off chance that anyone reading this is a Linux user who uses Shimejii, feel free to let me know how you did it.) It's tempting to install it on my work PC but then I'd never get any work done. :D
I do love Numbskelly's Skibidi Toilet stuff; I wish they posted more on Tumblr.
Also, here's a direct link to the tweet with the download link, because if you don't have a Twitter account you literally cannot view replies. (Thanks to @luciledrakkhen for getting me the link; I don't have Twitter.)
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dove-da-birb · 2 years ago
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Drink water and have your haters dissappear under mysterious circumstances.
*puts Floyd in my pocket* The goober.
*drinks a cup of water*
Thank you, Identity, that's very sweet!
Don't worry about the haters, and honestly, I don't want to give them the spotlight; plus it was a poll, so all anon.
It brings me joy, which is all that matters. If other people also like it, great! If they don't? This is my blog so everyone will be subjected to whatever I please - within reason.
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top-shelf-tender · 8 months ago
💌 (Btw, I love you because you're so kind and creative, talking to you is always a joy. You always lighten up my day, you make great art and you are SO cute <3)
mutuals send me a 💌 and ill tell u something i love about you
{{Lune, you precious goober~ I love your portrayal of Pentious sssssssso much ;D You have a cute art style, are crafty with cosplay, and bring positive energy to this community~}}
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plum-pitt · 8 months ago
More rottmnt headcanons!!!!
This time for my silly billies, or more accurately, the main cast outside of the teetlz. I’ll probably have less to say on them than the core four, but there’s a few things about these goobers i’ve just GOT to throw out there. Oh also go look at my previous post in this series (this is where i talk about the turtles!) if you haven’t it’s pretty neat. psst! i’ve got another in the works going over character dynamics so keep an eye out for that
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Casey Junior: Typically goes by CJ to avoid confusion, whether the J stands for Jones or Junior is up for debate. Trans fella, He/Him. I think about elderqueer!Future Leo helping him figure his egg shit out in the middle of the apocalypse all the time and it brings me great joy, (Watch Future!Donnie whip out old recordings of leo’s crackly ass second puberty voice whenever CJ gets insecure about his💀). Spends half his time in present day NYC seeing people’s faces and going “Damn, did i watch that person die as a kid or am i trippin?”. Since his name got shortened to CJ, a lot of people have taken to shortening it further to “Cee-j” which ended up inspiring his vigilante name; Siege. (I’ve literally never seen anyone try to give any Casey’s vigilante persona an actual name before so there ya go, no further reasoning beyond ‘it sounds cool’). Got adopted by Future!Casey, after being taken to a resistance base camp by his mortally wounded Bio!dad who basically dropped dead on arrival. (Hey it’s like Links backstory in ocarina of time but like- he gets a mom and 4 turtle dads instead of a tree)
April O’Neil: bisexual but with a strong fem preference, and She/Her! Naturally gravitated towards the field of journalism because unlike her previous jobs, being surrounded by weird shit is actually pretty beneficial when you’re trynna report on interesting stuff! It’s actually this shift in career focus that helps her feel less insecure about how weird her life, and by extension, she, is. I mean hey it’s payin the bills, hard to resent that. The first turtle she met was Donnie, the guys were playing basketball when Don missed a pass and the ball bounced away so he had to go get it, only to run into April for the first time. Ofc the first thing she pointed out wasn’t his emerald complexion or stinky sewer smell, but that he was wearing jupiter jim merch, and the rest was history. The turtles all feel bummed about how busy she is since going to college, but want also support their big sis too much to make a stink about it, they know she misses them too. I like to think Leo just portals into her dorm sometimes and her completely normal ass roommate who came from out of town just had to deal with that with 0 explanation given.
Splinter: This right here is a textbook example of an eternal disaster bisexual in action. Jesus fuck this rat can fit so many mental disorders in him. His combined mommy and daddy issues ensured he’d only romantically pursue the most red flag ridden mfs on earth for all time *cough cough* BIG MAMA *cough cough* Because he had bad vision problems post mutation (Rats actually have really bad eyesight irl so i feel like that could be a side affect of being mutated into one) he went out of his way to properly color code the turtles early on so he wouldn’t mix them up. When he first took in the turtles his ass did not know they were sentient (his only points of comparison for them were Draxum’s feral lab experiments) and basically treated them like more like pets up until Raph started talking and he realized “oh shit i’m a father of four now fuck” (this is also why he called them colors to begin with, their names didn’t matter too much if they couldn’t understand them) Once he figured out they were actually kids he finally gave them real names, but he still calls them by color out of habit and now they’re more like silly nicknames. Everything his kids think they get away with without him knowing he 100% knows about. He may be past his prime but his ninja instincts and dad bullshit detector are sharp as ever.
Cassandra Jones: Raging, feral, She/Her, lesbian. Adhd, emphasis on the H. Has at least 1 parent but they are not very active in her life, i mean at least i hope not bc goddam if they’re knowingly letting their kid lead a gang of girlsscouts and get wrapped up in a murder cult then i’ve got some serious questions. Look to Lieutenant and Brute as pseudo parental figures, though it’s largely unreciprocated even if they do somewhat care for her safety at the very least. One of the very few people (outwardly at least) to not at all be changed by the apocalypse. She’s still just as if not more trigger happy and crackheaded during the end of the world than she was before, she is nothing if not consistent. Willingly signs off on Future!Donnie giving CJ the chainsaw hockey stick at like 5 years old, it’s only Leo stepping in to nip that at the bud that prevented that disaster waiting to happen. Adopted CJ basically onsight. She was the one there when his bio-dad showed up and died right in front of the base, saw the baby, scooped him up, and that was that.
Draxum: This man a walking queer coded disney renaissance villain and u think i’m NOT gonna hit him with the gay stick? blasphemy. He/Him, also i read this fic that made him Tamil and i fucked with it heavy so now it lives in my brain rent free. (Go read the But First They Must Catch You series by mudlarkspur on ao3 it’s like my favorite separated au of all the ones i’ve read and i’ve read A LOT of those mfs). Definitely was a lil bit smitten w Lou Jitsu, at least before he rocked his shit and destroyed his life’s work weather or not this starts rearing its head again following his reconciliation with a certain rat man remains to be seen. Began training Mikey in the mystic arts post movie to help him control his powers but eventually somehow also acquired Donnie as a protege (They bond over their shared love of terrorism). Hes not very good at dad stuff like showing affection, but his way of showing it definitely entails giving them the knowledge and skills to take care of themselves should the need arise. Made peace-ish with Leo post movie, after a lengthy dr feelings sesh, Leo still brings up the roof incident all the time though just to fuck with him bc he’s a petty cunt whom i adore.
Aight that’s all i got for now, lmk if you wanna hear about any other characters or just share your own headcanons!! It brings me joy
Have a good day :3
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daveeddy · 2 years ago
Best Day Ever (well two days)
On March 6th, I got all packed up and ready for a lovely Spring Break adventure with my girlfriend, Sawyer, and our motley crew of friends. We've been planning this trip to Chattanooga, Tennessee for months, and I was determined to make it my "best day ever" for the blog. And it most definitely was.
The day was off to a great start since my mood was already boosted. Sawyer and I had just finished spending the first couple of days back at my parents house in Atlanta. Sawyer got to meet my parents, my sister and her fiance, and my two best home town friends for the first time. So, we hit the road from Atlanta, Georgia, blasting our favorite road trip playlist and singing off-key at the top of our lungs. Sawyer and I were pumped for the week ahead, and the anticipation was real. After a scenic drive, we arrived at our AirBNB nestled in the mountains just outside the city, with a killer view of the Chattanooga skyline. It was super cool, and we couldn't wait for our friends to join us.
Speaking of our friends, Steve, Mandy, Emery, and Abby were the first to arrive, with Sam and Kendall expected to join us later in the night. We wasted no time and headed to the grocery store to stock up on supplies for our trip. We loaded up on margarita mix, taco ingredients, and all the snacks we could carry. We were ready to feast like champions!
Back at the cabin, we channeled our inner chefs and whipped up some mouthwatering tacos while sipping on margaritas. I was on grill duty and made some yummy fajita style chicken. I really enjoy cooking as it grounds me in the moment and gives me an achievable goal with a nice reward. I often find myself in a nice flow state when doing so. I have a bit of a reputation for being a good cook among my friends so in between tending to the chicken I walked around helping everyone with their stations. The food was bomb and I think everyone felt a sense of satisfaction having done it all together. Sam and Kendall finally arrived, and the energy was through the roof. We laughed, we danced, and we had some heartfelt conversations that brought us even closer together. It was one of those nights that reminded me how lucky I am to have such amazing friends in my life. We stayed up all night and truly had one of the best nights I have ever had, surrounded by the people that I love and feeling closer with them than ever. 
The next morning, we woke up to a beautiful sunrise in the mountains. I decided to treat the gang to a delicious breakfast, and my pancake flipping skills were on point. We took our time getting ready for the day, and we were stoked for our hike at Signal Mountain.
Before hitting the trail, I packed a bag with deli meat, cheese, and bread for everyone to make sandwiches for lunch. I found a small Elmo figurine in my car that my friend gave me as a gag gift, and I decided to bring him along on our journey. Why not, right? I got a good kick out of hiding him along the trail and taking pictures with him in the background. 
The hike was no joke. It was really steep and was littered with obstacles. The mountain was breathtaking, with stunning rock formations and lush greenery all around. Sam and I even braved climbing some of the larger rocks together, feeling like a couple of goobers.
As we hiked, I couldn't help but reflect on how often I take nature for granted. Being outside, surrounded by such awe-inspiring beauty, made me feel at peace and truly in the moment. It was a reminder to appreciate the simple joys in life and be grateful for the blessings I have - my amazing girlfriend, my incredible friends, and this unforgettable trip.
We reached a waterfall at the bottom of the mountain and it was the perfect spot for a lunch break. We sat by the water, dipping our feet in, and made some sandwiches. Elmo made some appearances by posing for some hilarious photos.
After refueling, we hiked back out, feeling accomplished and exhilarated. The last leg especially was tough since it was basically straight up a mountain face. We all needed a little R&R after our hike, so we kicked back, relaxed, and took a nap. After everyone was up and going again we fired up the grill to make some delicious burgers and hot dogs for dinner. We played some drinking games and had a blast with Quiplash, that might be one of my favorite games to play. It really gets the creative juices flowing.
As the day started to wind down, I found myself sitting by the fireplace, lost in thought and reflecting on the past two days. Man, I felt so incredibly grateful for all the blessings in my life. My health (hiking down that mountain was no joke) first and foremost. I was grateful for this time spent away from everything. My beautiful girlfriend, who joined me on this trip and made every moment more special. My friends, who always bring laughter and good times. My family, who supports me in everything I do. And my current mental health, which has been on the upswing lately.
These past two days had such a positive impact on my mood, and I knew it would last for the rest of the month. Sure, it was a temporary boost, but it was still so impactful. It's funny how a little getaway in nature with good company can do wonders for the soul.
The best part was that the day didn't feel obligatory at all. Everything just fell into place. The planning for this trip couldn't have been better. As I sat there, watching the fire crackle, I couldn't help but smile. Life was good, and I was reminded of how important it is to appreciate the little moments and the people who make them special. Moments like these remind me to be present, grateful, and to cherish every experience.
I got to put a lot of the exercises found in How of Happiness into action on this trip. The physical activity from the hike and being in nature had significant effects on my mindfulness and boosting of my mood. I found myself in a zen flow state at points in the hike, I took time to be grounded in nature and present in my senses. I made a real effort to appreciate the purple flowers growing on the ground under logs. I noted the sound of the flowing water. I took pictures of my friends traversing the trail in a line. I admired the cool rock formations. I was in awe of some of the views I got to see. 
Another great way I got to use the HoH was by bolstering my coping mechanisms by conversing with people I trust and care about. On that first night, when we all started to open up and share some personal stories, I got to open up about my family trauma. I had a rough couple of years with my father and those issues permeated and affected everyone in my family. I very recently learned about the root cause of my father’s issues and it has been very strange to deal with. I often use avoidance techniques and try to think about other things when my mind wanders to my trauma. But being in a safe environment and having positive social contact definitely helped me process my trauma a bit and made me feel supported and loved. Overall, it really was the best day (well two days) ever.
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ultravioart · 2 years ago
Peepers you fool, of course Hater needs you! You’re his emotional support watchdog. (Seriously though, I love your deathglare ideas. Please keep them coming, I’m obsessed with these two awful awful men)
ALL ABOARD THE HATE TRAIN!!!! WOO WOO!!! thanks tho LOL I get shy about posting my death glare rambles, but I really do love these two goobers. emotional support watchdog is hilarious. Perhaps Hater is Peepers emotional support front man lol, Peepers absolutely has a "DO IT FOR HIM" board with pics of Hater that he looks to for motivation. Something about this silly ship just fills me with inexplicable joy, fr. It can be cute or sad or uplifting or a tug of war. So many scenarios, and it brings out interesting facets of their characters and what they represent. If Wander is Love (fueled by self-love=true love), and Hater is hate (fueled by self-loathing), then Sylvia might be... tough love? Or how it's tough to love, but love is strong/love makes you strong? And Peepers is ...puppy love? or how a person can fall in love with hate, relying on hate to give them strength? etc...?
I think it's notable that Peepers' and Hater's issues seem to mostly stem from their environment, with Peepers having a harsh home life offering little love, and Hater most likely waking up with no idea who/where/when he was, with no one to teach him how to navigate such a scary world. Dejected and abandoned, they STILL managed to find each other in this big, lonely universe and become a part of a great, terrible thing Together. Lonely, together. Broken, together. Dorks, together. Hating others, together. Loving each other, in their own ways, together, and no one else has to know! Hurt people hurt people, but sometimes hurt people find each other, and perfectly fill in each other's gaps. It's a bit sad, and certainly not the healthiest, but for a time those two had real hope between them. A hope for a better life than what the universe currently handed them, a passion. A love, or what they could muster of it. Peepers was the very first person to see just how GREAT Hater truly was, and that makes Peepers special. Peepers struggles with feeling insignificant and forgotten, so I think he takes great pride in knowing he's special like that. I imagine even if Hater never admits it, Hater will always cherish that about Peepers, and to think Hater maybe kept Peepers around all this time bc Peeper was the first person to truly like him...? Yeah. yeah. And maybe that's why he believed a little watchdog when that said he could get the WHOLE UNIVERSE to like Hater too? yeahyeahyeah And yeah.... evilly, but still!!! Peepers is special in that regard. And as I imagine that's a big place of pride, I also see it as a place of anxiety for Peepers. Peepers is nothing without Hater, at least nothing remarkable. And Peepers seems to have a fear of being replaced/losing Hater. Because sure, Peepers was the FIRST to see Hater as the greatest, but it could have been anyone else in the universe in his place. Peepers was just lucky enough to get the opportunity to be the first. He feels lucky every single day.
And that's why Wander is such a threat. Not just to evil schemes-- that one's obvious, but to Peepers' very significance.
Hater is his everything, in both an emotional and literal sense. Without Hater, he's nothing, just another insignificant, forgettable, teeny tiny watchdog in a sea of eyes that only look down on him. But with Hater he's big and he's strong and he's everything he's ever dreamt of, others finally take him seriously and others actually look UP to him and... ...and Wander is a better friend, a better mentor, a better companion, and can love Hater in nearly the same way: authentically. That probably scares the bajeebus out of Peepers. It's one thing to lose the empire, heck even his job, but to lose Hater?
I imagine Hater and Peepers, though at first glance one sided, have this two-way street to their relationship: they don't entirely see each other as a person, instead they see each other as a part of themselves. A piece that is deep down truly scared, angry at the universe, ambitious... worthless. Yearning to be loved because it's so hard to love yourself and wanting to be someone's everything because you are utterly nothing. "Who would ever love a loser like me" meets "Who wouldn't". And a super genius stays silent so his very first fan can feel big and mighty for being smarter than the greatest in the galaxy. I think something that I am particularly empathetic towards is that they both embody common insecurities within boyhood/manhood. Wanting to be the "cool guy" and "popular" because loving yourself is really hard. Fitting in is hard, "friends" are hard, dating is hard, girls are confusing, and boys are scary, and society too often labels being authentic as "uncool" so there's a lot of posturing or acting like a jerk to compensate for lack of confidence. Or the insecurities guys too often face of not being strong enough, big enough, tall enough, manly enough, not being taken seriously enough by peers. "If only I was bigger, taller, cooler..." It's all rubbish and what really matters is who you are on the inside. Sylvia learned that, and Peepers has yet to learn that. Lastly, I really do think Peepers pours all the love he can muster into Hater. That includes self-love. Because Lord Hater is everything Peepers wishes he was and isn't, so how could he NOT love that? That in turn does make Peepers a bit possessive and dismissive of Hater's feelings. Good fuel for aus that explore character development..... (I'd also like to think, since Hater was weak to lil bits' googoo eyes, that Hater has a soft spot for cute things... and Peepers is pretty cute. Perhaps consider turning a weakness into a strength there, ey Peepers?)
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punkrockmads · 4 years ago
Found Family
Abby x F! Reader Mini Series
Warnings: Mentions of rape, extreme fluff, brief hints at "mommy kink" and sexual notions
Chapter Five; Big Brother
A sweet, relaxing song plays from the record player. Honeybee by Steam Powered Giraffe. My absolute favorite. I sing along with the lyrics, swaying side to side slowly as I fold laundry. Abby's downstairs washing dishes, the two of us working on our early morning chores while Lev sleeps in. It's nice that the three of us get weekends off. It gives us a break and time to spend with each other.
My stomach has grown quite a bit, making my pregnancy harder to hide and my clothes harder to fit into. I've stolen many of Abby's shirts these past couple of months. Abby and I plan on telling Lev about the baby when he wakes up, especially since tomorrow is the day we finally get to know the gender of the baby.
'You didn't have to smile at me
Your grin's the sweetest
That I've ever seen
But you did
Yes you did'
As I sing along, lost in thought, I don't even notice Abby sneak into the bedroom, tip toeing up behind me.
"Gotcha!" She yells, grabbing my waist. I scream, nearly jumping out of my skin as I drop the shirt I was folding. Abby laughs, tickling my sides.
"Asshole!" I laugh, putting my hands over hers. "You coulda given me a heart attack!"
"Oh, well we wouldn't want that, huh?" Abby teases, peppering my neck and jaw with kisses. "Didn't know you could sing." She mumbles against my cheek, swaying side to side with me.
"Eh." I shrug. "I'm not great at it."
"Well I think you have the voice of an angel." Abby says, turning me around to face her. I drape my arms over her shoulders, the laundry long forgotten as I get lost in Abby's smile.
"Sap." I smile.
She laughs, kissing me softly. "You ready to tell Lev?"
"Mhm." I nod, turning back around to finish folding the laundry. That's when the baby shifts around a little in my stomach. "Woah!" I put my hand on my stomach, rubbing circles to try to calm the baby. It's always so active in the morning. I wish Abby could feel it but the doctor said only a couple more months and she'll be able to feel it kicking.
"You okay?" Abby asks, standing next to me and looking at me with worried eyes.
"Oh, yeah." I smile. "Our baby just decided now's the time to do a little boogie."
Abby chuckles, kneeling in between me and the bed and holding my stomach. She lifts my shirt a little, sliding her hands underneath. "Hey, you little goober." She says to the little being. She kisses right above my navel. "It's too early to be squirmin' around in there, you're distracting mommy!"
I smile at the new title. "Mommy, huh?" I run my fingers through Abby's hair, messing up her braid a little. She looks up at me with a smile.
"C'mon." She chuckles. "We both know I'm gonna be momma." I pretend to think it over, putting a finger to my chin.
"Hmm. I could get used to that." I laugh, gently cupping Abby's face and guiding her back up. She hums, kissing my lips. "But say it again just in case." I mumble against her lips.
"What- which one?" Abby laughs. I laugh with her, reaching back and grabbing her ass. I pull her closer to me, our bodies pressed against each other.
"Both of them." I laugh. She puts her hands on my hips, fingers pressing into the skin gently.
"Well..." Abby pauses, a hint of excitement in her eyes. I have no doubt mine look the same. "You would be..." She pauses again, kissing me. "Mommy." I laugh a little as she beams down at me. "And I..." Another kiss. "would be..." I hum into the third kiss. "Momma." Her grip on my waist has tightened a little.
"Oh yeah." I laugh. "I can get used to this."
Abby grins, a fire growing in her hazel eyes. "Good." She chuckles.
A loud thud from across the hall tears us out of our thoughts. Lev's room! The two of us immediately run into his room, seeing him sitting on the floor rubbing the back of his head. "Ouch." He groans.
"Lev, are you okay?" I ask, a hand over my frantically beating heart.
"Yeah. Sorry." Lev says, standing up. "Fell out of bed." He sighs. Abby and I look at each other, holding back laughs. "Don't you dare laugh!" Lev points at us, holding back his own laughter.
"We're not laughing!" Abby snorts. "Just... it's a little funny." She bites her lip, a wide grin on her face.
"Shut up." Lev says, trying unsuccessfully to hide his smile. I decide it's finally time we tell him about the baby.
"Hey, Lev?" I pause as he looks at me. "Come on downstairs and eat breakfast. Abby and I gotta tell you somethin'." I make it seem as casual as possible, trying to pass it off as some kind of patrol orders or something.
"Okay." Lev nods. "I'll be down in a second." Abby and I head downstairs, a little worried about how Lev will react. The two of us sit in the living room, watching some random movie while we wait for Lev. After a few minutes, he walks in with a bowl of cereal, sitting next to me on the couch, putting me in between two of my three favorite people. "So, what did you wanna tell me?" Lev asks, taking a bite of his cereal.
I take a deep breath, picking at my nails as I will myself to tell Lev what I should've told him months ago. "Lev, I'm pregnant." It comes out clear and calm, my voice hiding how nervous I am. Lev puts his spoon down, looking between Abby and I with a confused frown.
"But..." He pauses. "I thought girls can't get each other pregnant unless one of them has a-"
"They can't." Abby cuts him off, speaking gently. She gets up, moving to kneel in front of him. "Lev, do you remember when I told you that the Rattlers hurt Y/N really bad?" Lev nods. "They did... inappropriate things to her without her consent." Abby tenses up, looking at me for approval to keep going. I place a hand on her shoulder, squeezing lightly to let her know it's okay. "Do you remember what that's called?" Lev nods, scared to say the actual word in front of me. I don't blame him, I'm scared to use the word myself.
"Lev, honey." He looks at me with the most sincere and pitiful eyes. "What happened to me was... it was awful. But this baby... it's not. Abby and I wanna keep it and we... we want you to be it's big brother. If you want to, of course."
Lev's eyes light up with joy. "You mean I get a little sister?!" Abby and I laugh at his enthusiasm.
"We don't know if it's a girl or boy yet, goober." Abby stands up, ruffling Lev's hair before sitting back down beside me. "But yes, in a few months, you'll have a little sibling. Y/N's already four months along now."
"Holy shit." Lev whispers. "Can... can I see?" He asks, referring to my stomach. I nod, lifting my (Abby's) shirt past my stomach to let him see the bump that was getting harder and harder to conceal. "There's a baby in there?!" Lev asks, looking up at me in amazement. I nod, smiling at him.
Lev reaches to put a hand on my stomach, hesitating for a moment. "Go ahead." I say. "It's okay." He puts his hand on my stomach, moving it along the curve.
"Woah!" Lev laughs. "Wait... is this why I haven't been allowed in the guest room?" He glares up at Abby and she smiles.
"Yeah." Abby shrugs. "We've been turning it into the baby's room. Wanted it to be a surprise." The baby moves, causing me to flinch a little out of shock.
"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" Lev asks, taking his hand off my stomach.
"Nono it's okay." I assure him, guiding his hand back to the bump. "The baby's moving around in there."
"Really?!" Lev moves to press his ear to my stomach.
"Yeah." I chuckle. "I think it can sense your touch. It's saying 'Hi, big brother!'" Lev laughs, trying to see if he can hear the baby moving.
"In about a month, we'll be able to feel it kick." Abby says. "And we might even be able to see it moving." She remembers the last bit from one of the dozens of pregnancy books and articles she's started bringing home. She's read each one at least twice in order to know everything she can about the baby and pregnancy. It's cute that she's trying to be so prepared. As Abby starts listing off a few more facts she read, the baby shifts in a way that almost feels like it's doing a backflip in my stomach, causing me to let out an involuntary gasp. "Y/N?!" Abby puts a hand on my back, her and Lev looking at me cautiously.
"Jesus." I let out a breathy laugh. "Little bean's groovin' in there." Abby and Lev laugh at my description of the baby moving. It moves again. "Is it trying to do the Cupid Shuffle?!" The three of us laugh harder.
"I think it's saying 'Mommy, you need to eat! We're starving!'" Abby grins, rubbing my back.
"Alriiight." I sigh. "Guess I do need to eat." Abby, Lev and I spend the rest of the day cuddled up on the couch, watching movies and talking about the baby as well as telling stories from our adventures. Lev tells me about the time Abby tried to teach him Backgammon and Abby tells me about her encounter with the Rat King. I rest my head on Abby's shoulder, feeling perfectly content sitting beside my family.
The next morning, the three of us head to the infirmary to find out the gender of the baby. After another ultrasound, the doctor comes in with a clipboard. "The baby's in perfect health, Mrs. Anderson!" He says. At first, I think he's talking to Abby, but he's looking directly at me. I glance at Abby and she winks with a playful smile. Ah, of course. She's the one who put 'Y/N Anderson' in my file. Honestly... I can't complain. It fits perfectly; shows that Abby and I are together. I'm hers, she's mine. "It looks like you're about nineteen and a half weeks along. The baby is right where it should be in the development stages."
"And the gender?" I ask, grabbing Lev and Abby's hands.
"Mrs. and Mrs. Anderson..." He pauses for dramatic effect, smiling at us. I feel my breath hitch in my throat, so extremely excited. "In just a few months, you will be bringing a beautiful baby girl into the world!" Abby immediately pulls me into a hug, squeezing me carefully as I hug back. The two of us cry, absolutely overjoyed.
Lev stands up on his chair, raising his fists in the air. "I knew it! I fucking knew it!"
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eremosjournal · 2 years ago
Post Christian Sunday Reflection
Ughhh, something feels off about the readings this week. Let’s be honest, I feel that most weeks. But this week, I don’t know, man. Maybe that’s the problem: so many men. HE. FATHER. LORD. KING. HIS. HIM. I’m tired... 
These readings feel like one long reminder that men rule and everyone else drools. Ok so it doesn’t explicitly say that, but I’m extrapolating based on the time and place these texts were lumped into one big book and marked with the stamp, “APPROVED FOR DISTRIBUTION TO THE LITERATE ELITE.” 
I’ve taken enough scripture courses to know that I’m reading things into and pulling things out of these texts that may or may not explicitly be there. But I think the way a text makes you feel can be as impactful as what it is saying. Eight years ago I might have read or heard these texts and felt peace. But now, with all the things I have seen and lived through and experienced, these readings make me feel icky. Intellectually, I get the point: Jesus Christ is King, an authority who invites us into relationship and into the kingdom of God. I’m just not sure I like the way we get to that point. Where is the love, the compassion, the generous nature of God? 
This is all about dominance and power, not accompaniment. To me, it reads like a treatise on subjugation and possession. A convenient way for the church to not so subtly remind us of their authority too. Maybe I’m jaded. (I’m definitely jaded.)
We see this messaging in passages like, 
“For in him were created all things in heaven and on earth, 
The visible and the invisible, 
Whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers; 
All things were created through him and for him.”
“He is the head of the body, the church. 
He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, 
That in all things he himself might be preeminent.” 
Woof, that shit’s heavy. And more than a little bit frightening. It makes me feel like a puppet or a plaything for a God who does not walk with us but enjoys toying with our lives. A God who “offers his toughest battles to his strongest warriors” (barf). 
Perhaps I live in a fantasy, believing in a God who weeps with me when I weep and who jumps for joy when I am elated. But what I do know is that I’m entirely over the way the Church wants me to feel. Powerless, cowering and afraid. 
To be honest, I identify A LOT with the criminal who asks Jesus to save them all when they are on the cross. They say, “Are you not the Christ? Save yourself and us.” WHY WOULD YOU NOT AT LEAST TRY?! You’re about to die and they’re saying that the guy next to you can bring people back from the dead! Of course you’re going to at least tap him on the shoulder and offer a little, “Hey, I know it’s not a great time but do you think you could maybe see if it’s possible that the three of us not die?” 
And then the goober on the other side has the audacity to be like, “Shut up! We deserve this torture!” UMMMM What?! I simply do not buy it. Who knows, maybe Jesus was just too tired to continue saving and helping and performing miracles. I can only imagine that the hours of torture prior to this moment made it particularly difficult to perform such tasks. 
But what I do know is that Jesus had heaps and heaps of love for both of the people next to him. Maybe that is the true miracle, that Jesus accompanied them. He was there every step of the way. Maybe what we’re celebrating with these readings is not the KINGdom of God but the KINdom of God. How can we live with love here, now, with and for all people? Not just the white, male, able-bodied, straight, cis, literate elite? I’m not saying I’m any good at it but, I’ll keep trying.    
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elganac · 3 years ago
( lemme ramble about a muse; not accepting! )
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          whenever i write aito, i s2g my brain shuts off, and whatever bullshit forms as a result is what i write for him alskdjALSKDJALK he makes ZERO sense and yet i have somehow managed to flesh him out as a full fledged character with an actual backstory. 
          some of yall know that aito started off as an oc that was heavily inspired by my high school life since i studied a lot of science subjects back then, so i was really in the loop with this nerd ya feel? after a while though, i became less of a nerd ( /jkjk ) and as such, aito’s muse needed to develop to match my development in a way. because in all honestly i forgot how to do basic math in college so how can you expect me to write about chemistry and physics now that i’m 6 years out of high school 😔
          i also took a lot of asian american studies classes in college and i think that helped me shape more of aito’s backstory and his evolution into a more fleshed out character with their own personal experiences and the like. it’s kind of touchy since it involves some not so fun real life subjects ( re: rac///ism ) , but im honestly really proud of what development i added to aito’s backstory and character because it just adds more dimension to him
          im actually really happy that i’ve managed to bring back aito as a muse despite not being a big sciencey person anymore because he genuinely brings me so much joy, and i get to shitpost because of him. like, i could shitpost even without him but now my shitposts get to be character content and inspiration and that’s pretty rad. ALSO IM SO TOUCHED YALL LOVE HIM i’ve made so many friends through aito and it makes me so happy that yall like him like he’s such a goober but i really hope i brighten people’s day whenever i write him tbh bc he’s just so silly how can u hate him
          im also really loving the fact that i’m starting to let aito interact with the other muses like aito/leah is a platonic pairing im really feeling and tbh i feel like alison/aito or emile/aito could be possibilities too bUT YOU KNOW WHAT AITO/GRACE HAS UNTAPPED POTENTIAL BC AITO WOULD BE A GREAT TEACHER FOR GRACE all in all i mostly associate aito with platonic ships when it comes to my own muses and even with other people’s muses, it’s so hard to romantically ship bc gestures look at him, what part of his body is capable of sexual and romantic desire
          real talk tho, romance with aito is very interesting and it definitely takes an incredibly slow burn and patience. he has one romantic ship right now that feels genuine and fitting but that took a long long time to develop tbh and most of that development was off tumblr. but still, i enjoy playing aito with platonic ships more tbh like idk sex and aito is a weird combination lmao  
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